
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Riddle me this, Beerman. . .

Beer trivia question numero uno.

In what prominent San Diego county craft brewery will you find the words,

"IN ILLA BRETTANOMYCES, NOS FIDES", posted above a barrel aging room?

Second question:

What does it mean?

Answer correctly and you will receipt a VIP Cooler upgrade to use on your next brewery tour.


  1. Does it mean, Beer passes so quickly because it does not have to change color? I would like 2 bags of ice in my cooler, please

    1. Beer passes so quickly? What does that mean? And what brewery is this?

    2. No it does not mean this. This old joke is to serve as an example answer.

  2. The Lost Abbey; translation means "in these wild yeast we trust." Brett is only one type of wild yeast though, so it seems to me that "in brettanomyces we trust" is a bit more concise in accuracy.

    Where's my VIP cooler?
